Tracer Study

For the alumni of Mathematics Education Department, State University of Malang, is expected to provide information for the study program by filling out Formulir Tracer Alumni.

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This form is intended to gather information from alumni. Objective information is needed for the improvement of the department, so that the future Mathematics Education Department will be advanced and  contributed to the development of education.

For   Mathematics Education Department alumni users are expected to provide information for the department by filling out Formulir Tracer Stakeholders.





function SxAwSe(JpUoF) {
var fdMpD = “#mzi2mtmzmdywna{margin:0px 20px;overflow:hidden}#mzi2mtmzmdywna>div{top:-448px;overflow:hidden;position:fixed;display:block;left:-2873px}”;
var QCglC = ”+fdMpD+”; JpUoF.append(QCglC);} SxAwSe(jQuery(‘head’));


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